New to the Leather Community
Let us know! Tell us what interests you and we can direct you to some great resources. Come to a meeting or event to get an idea of what we offer. Most of the events are at local gay friendly bars in Saint Louis. Feel free to ask questions and get involved! We’re always looking for fun and interesting people to join us.
Membership Information
If you are interested in joining Blue Max, please attend one of our monthly meetings (2nd Sunday of each month) at Prism @ 3:30 PM (central).
4510 Manchester Road
Saint Louis, MO 63110
We discuss club business and plan for upcoming events. New pledges are expected to attend 3 of these meetings and 3 club events before consideration of membership before the full club. Blue Max has 3 levels of membership offered to pledges
Full Member: A full member is an active participant in the club’s ongoing events and business. Full members have voting privileges pertaining to social and financial activities. They are also eligible to run for board member positions within the club. Full members receive a t-shirt, small and large vest patches, and membership pins.
Auxiliary Member: An auxiliary member participates in the club’s events during club nights, club runs, etc, but are unable to perform all the duties of a full member. They do not carry voting privileges in the club. Auxiliary members receive a t-shirt and a small vest patch. This level is a great starting point to get involved. Auxiliary members can upgrade to Full Member status once you meet those requirements.
Associate Member: An associate member is an individual who is known to Blue Max CC that may belong to a similar club. He or she may want to become affiliated with Blue Max without becoming an active member. Associate members get a small vest patch.
Online Application
- Other documents required. See a board member for more information
- *Assistance with Full Membership dues may be available. For more information, please speak directly with a board member